Published on 19 June 2019

During a meeting at thrift shop De Groene Sluis, BModesto was appointed Partner of Werkbedrijf Lelystad. The organization has offered job seekers with a distance to the labor market an opportunity to get started as employees in the company. BModesto received a certificate for this and a corresponding wall shield.

“We are happy that we can make a positive contribution to society in this way.”

Onno Vermooten, director of Werkbedrijf Lelystad, presented the certificate with wall shield together with alderman John van den Heuvel.

In 2013, the municipality of Lelystad established Werkbedrijf Lelystad. It is a reintegration company with the aim of helping as many job seekers as possible to find work. The organization aims for a growing regional economy in which everyone participates. In short: Werkbedrijf Lelystad guides people with a distance from the labor market to work. And BModesto is happy to help with that.